Featured Friends: BriskOne

Brisk One is a San Diego born artist and has been painting for over 30 years. Studying under the masters, he feels he has been given the knowledge and wishes to carry on tradition. Traveling to different countries and painting large scale murals with many other artists has given him the experience to expand his current view and take his art to the next level.

"I love to paint and I love to progress. My work is a diary of over 30 years of practicing, perfecting and evolving letterforms. There is beauty in taking letters and exploding them into something that is futuristic. Taking what people know as ‘Graffiti’ and evolving it, chopping it and abstracting it into something that has a new life of its own. I completely understand that the word Graffiti may have controversial connotations but I am trying to shed light on an art that has save my life and given me a voice." - Brisk One

Check out his website at https://www.briskone.com/